Sunrise & Sunset: the pause for gratitude
Sunset in Punta Banco, Costa Rica // February 2022
9 things to do other scrolling on social media
How much scrolling do you really need to do and what else can you be doing (or not doing)?
Experimentation through travel and live music
Drop the language of “trial and error” and replace it with “experiment” See how that reframe shifts your perspective.
Yoga as a conversation
I believe that yoga is more than asana, it’s a chance to have a conversation with yourself. It’s an exploration, not a destination to a peak pose.
My essential (pun intended) oils for traveling
Oils that are essential (yes, a dorky pun) for traveling!
Reflections on (another) Dry January
2022 was my forth January 1st without a hangover (physically or morally) It took a while for me to get to this point but I am grateful to better understand my relationship to booze.