Book Review: April 2024
Just 3 books this month but they were all deep and rich. I read a 4th book up dropped it less than a 1/3 of the way through so not counting that in my tally / totals.
What are books are you reading / listening to right now? You know I love your suggestions!
"The Dreaming Path: Indigenous Ideas to Help Us Change the World '' by Paul Callaghan and Uncle Paul Gordon
4 stars
A spiritual and earth centric book that was really lovely. How stories teach us deep lessons and connect us to each other and the spirit world. I wasn't very familiar with stories about native folks living in what is now Australia so it was cool to explore this. I loved the exercise and nature prompts. Being connected to land and spirit are deeply important to me so hearing about how this shows up for other cultures is always interesting to me.
"The Personal Library" by Marie Benedict and Victoria Christopher Murray
5 stars
If you love historical fiction, this is the book for you! And as a book nerd I loved the idea of curating a library. The history and the story were really awesome with characters that were both loveable and troubling. The intersections of art, race, class and gender were really fascinating to explore. The idea of hiding one's identity to protect family and further one's career isn't new. Seeing it unfold was cool. One of my favorite fiction reads of 2024 so far.
"The Mountain is You" by Brianna Weist
4 stars
This book was intense and dark. The characters are sad, angry and lost with deep threads of generational trauma. Some scenes were challenging to get through and there were just a few points of laughter. This is a hard look at a small town and a group of High School friends during their teenage years and 10 years after. I needed some time to process it so I recommend reading it when you're ready to sink into a slow burn. Consider this a trigger warning for violence, drug use, sexual assault, depression mental health issues. The intensity of the mundane, that really hit me. I also don't have plans to go to Ohio anytime soon based on the scenes described.
Monthly book total: 3
Annual book total: 16