Adversity is a catalyst for creativity

During challenging times, we can't rely on the old thing, our common behavior. We need to step (or jump, or okay, get pushed) out of safety zone. Because  it's outside the safety zone where the magic happens. We don't grow in the comfort zone. And right now, with covid-19 we’re all getting out of the comfort zone

What are you doing to get uncomfortable, get a little weird, get a little bit out there? Maybe it's taking a new route on your run (I did this yesterday and it was indeed weird!) maybe it's trying to make baby food rather than buying it, maybe it's switching TP brands (if you can find any!) Maybe you have been thinking about starting a new business or maybe you realize it's time to let one go because it's not serving you. Maybe you're always rushing around (slowly raises hand in the air) and now is the time to slow down but doing so makes you feel uncomfortable because now you have to truly be with yourself. These are all okay. These are all opportunities to be creative...which means getting the heck out of that comfort zone. 

We are in an adversarial time with covid-19. So what a joy to use this time to pivot, to move, to change, to rest, to grow, to explore, to get weird and creative. What a joy indeed. I think this quote from yoga teacher and doTerra leader Elena Brower really sums it up: “When things get hard, don’t fall asleep. This is when the universal messages come. And it’s on you to hear them, and to share them.”


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